A law is being considered that would prohibit minors under the age of 18 from viewing pornographic websites.

In the United Kingdom, a law is being discussed that would require a person to be of legal age before being able to access pornographic material.

Three years ago, the United Kingdom attempted to enact legislation to prohibit minors from accessing pornographic websites and to establish a system for verifying the age of anyone who accessed such content. However, the legislation failed. In the end, they were unable to do so, and a new online security bill, which will be introduced in parliament over the next few months, will include similar provisions to "protect young people from hazardous content."

For years, different organizations dedicated to the preservation of children's safety have advocated for this, warning that sexually explicit content is widely accessible to young people on the internet nowadays, with research indicating that children as young as 11 have access to such material. According to experts, it offers kids a "unhealthy image of sex and consent to sex," increasing the likelihood of them becoming prey to predators and possibly discouraging them from reporting abuse to authorities.

If the bill is passed, all websites that include pornographic content will be required to have a system for validating the age of their users, meaning that people under the age of 18 will not be able to access that content if the law is passed. Parents deserve to be at ease, knowing that their children are safe on the Internet from things they should not be exposed to, according to the plans outlined in this document. Chris Philip is the Minister of Digital Economy of the United Kingdom.

The technique of year-end verification, which proved to be difficult during the first bill of the year 2019, would be expanded to include the use of credit cards or the use of third-party services to ensure that visitors above the age of 18 utilized the services of a third-party service this time. Sites that do not adopt a protective measure, such as a confirmation of years, will be fined ten percent of their global revenue, according to the bill. In addition to fines, such websites face the prospect of having their content blocked in the United Kingdom, and their owners could potentially be prosecuted for criminal offenses, according to the BBC's explanation of the law's potential impact on the corporation.
Sites must make their own decisions about which form of age verification to use; however, the British regulatory body may advise them to adopt specific technologies in order to comply with the regulations.

In addition, it should be noted that the use of technology to gather data from users of pornographic websites is extremely harmful, and that it creates a significant risk of privacy and security. The existence of such information would, in turn, serve as a significant draw for hackers who would attempt to obtain it, and users may then be blackmailed into publishing the information if they did not comply.

Gent Flori

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