Tech Fail Series #1

In this on-going series we'll explore the most outrageous, horrendous and shocking technology products out there that we're glad that failed.

Hello there. This is the first part of a series I'd like to call "Tech Fail Series". Perfection doesn't just happen spontaneously. It has to be refined, redefined and re-invented in most cases until you hit that spot that just feels right and is wonderfully integrated within society at large. The road paved to get there of course is carpet bombed with failures left-to-right, that deserve our ridicule; Today we're going to look at 3 fails that we're glad never caught on.


1. CueCat



In the year 2000 someone must've been watching Tom and Jerry and thought "Well, we've got a mouse for our computers, let's add a cat into the mix: That's what people have been waiting for all their life". Thus, the atrocity of the "CueCat" came to be. The CueCat was a barcode reader and scanner that would automatically read barcodes out of magazines and open up links on the user's computer for additional information. The device was named after CUE, for the unique bar code and CAT a play on words for "Keystroke Automation Technology". As it turns out, when people read their magazines in the morning, while sipping their coffee or having breakfast they're not thinking "Wait a minute, I might need some more info on the thing i'm reading, better go and sit down near the computer next to my CueCat scanner". And so, after just one year in the market, the device and the company that created it, Digital Convergence Corporation, doesn't exist anymore either. Alas, the mouse won again!


2. Nike Magneto




Well you wouldn't have guessed but Nike produced one of the funniest technology bits you can find: Nike Magneto. The sunglasses were designed especially for athletes considering that they carry so much stuff around their body, they wouldn't want to burden their ears as well... so a better solution was to glue magnets to the face so that the glasses can stay up... my question is "How high was the person who came up with the idea and where can I get some of that stuff he or she has been smokin' cuz it's wacky?!"


Needless to say, this one deserves a rightful place in the "Hall of Fail".


3. Ikea Air

You've seen Ikea everywhere; it's one of the most recognizable companies out there for the simple fact that their business model is unique. They'll send you the parts to build your furniture and you assemble it at your home. It's cost efficient, packaging efficient and it saves time in delivery.


Well, they wanted to take this concept up a notch; what if they send you a piece of furniture which you can fill up with air through your hair dryer and it'll be ready in a few minutes with the least amount of labor? Sounds fantastic, right?


First of all, plastic melts from hot air. Secondly, plastic is not airtight, meaning it'll loose the air and become wobbly over time. Thirdly, your furniture will move out of place anytime you sit down since it's so light. I mean come on Ikea, anybody know that, right? No? Well... I applaud your courage and sigh and laugh at your epic fail with delight.


So that's it folks! Tune in soon for part two of the series. Stay tuned!


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