The Russian military intelligence service is suspected of involvement in hacker assaults against Ukraine

It is estimated that the Russian military intelligence service is "probably certainly" involved in the information strikes that took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the National Center for Computer Security in the United Kingdom.

And the United Kingdom on Friday night, following the United States' accusation of Russia of cyber attacks on Ukraine's banking sector, in which Moscow denies any involvement or responsibility.

The British government believes that Russian military intelligence (GRU) is behind information attacks on Ukraine's financial sector this week (...), according to a spokesman for the British Foreign Office, which came as tensions in the crisis between Russia and the West over Ukraine reached a boiling point.

Such disruptive behavior is unacceptable, and Russia must cease these activities and respect Ukrainian sovereignty, the spokesman added. The statement came shortly after the United States accused Moscow of being "responsible" for the attacks on two public banks and two military websites operated by the Ukrainian government.
Following the decision to publicly prosecute the event, the United Kingdom and its allies indicated they were certain that hostile computer activity would not be directed against them.

Moreover, the National Center for Computer Security in the United Kingdom believes that the Russian military intelligence service is virtually certainly involved in the information strikes on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to the text.

Kiev has identified Russia as the "aggressor" in the hacking attack that targeted the websites of the country's Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces, as well as the websites of the country's two banks, according to Kiev.

The British Foreign Office also commented on the "temporary" move of its mission in Ukraine from Kiev to Lviv, in the country's western region, due to concerns of a Russian invasion of the country.

Diplomacy in the United Kingdom has encouraged its nationals not to visit Belarus and the Moldovan province of Transnistria unless absolutely necessary.

Gent Flori

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