The horoscope for 17-20/02/2022

The horoscope for all the signs, a prediction on what you should focus on and a clarification on the different, difficult choices you will have to make.


As the 1st sign of the Zodiac, Aries’s are known of being really confident, unpredictable and very smart.

From 17-20 of February, you will be receiving amazing news, unexpected events or just some simple time for some selfcare. You have been exhausted, this period of time will be perfect for you to take time for yourself to self-reflect, however a trip to the past will be more than useful and very soothing.



The 2nd sign of the Zodiac is the Taurus, which are known for their intelligence, hard head, and the fact that they are very committed and diligent.

 The Full Moon on Thursday will put a spotlight on domestic, family, or real estate matters. Unexpectedly wonderful news or a social event will bring the areas of your life that you enjoy to the forefront. Make a gathering; you'll have a good time! Don't let money limit your enjoyment of life; there are many ways to have fun without spending money.



The 3rd sign of the Zodiac is Gemini, they are known to be one of the most social signs, they are extremely competent and are very interesting and fun to be around.

This is an excellent opportunity to explain yourself, your situation, or your plans to others who are affected. Fortunately, you have the gift of gab, charm, and the ability to think on your feet. You might form a particular bond with someone special, and you'll be grateful for the chance to spend time with the people you care about.



The 4th sign of the Zodiac is Cancer is considered to be one of the most emotional and sensitive signs of the Zodiac, however the are also known to be very unfriendly.

This is an excellent moment to re-evaluate a financial or personal investment. It's also an excellent time to improve your health. Developments with work or your daily routine will necessitate a practical and philosophical attitude. A wonderful friend is worth their weight in gold. If you make the effort to get out of your comfort zone, you'll be glad you did.



The 5th sign of the Zodiac is Leo. Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac, as magnificent and striking as the Lion that embodies their sign

The Full Moon in Leo on Thursday heralds the beginning of a new chapter in your personal life, especially if you were born in the first half of August. This week is very romantic, so if you haven't already, plan a special treat for your significant other. You may decide to commit to a plan or to a specific individual. Additionally, you may be prepared to make significant strides forward in your everyday job or health regimen.



The 6th sign of the Zodiac is Virgo. The outward aspect of Virgos is one of humility, self-effacement, hard work, and practicality; nevertheless, beneath the surface, they are frequently natural, kind, and sympathetic, which is appropriate for their zodiac sign.

You may be pleasantly surprised by the assistance you receive and the fact that your endeavors are supported by individuals with whom you work or whom you respect. This week is a wonderful time to look for solutions rather than issues. A household development or a shift in routine may transport you to a new location and introduce you to new people in your social circle. Romance has the potential to flourish.



The 7th sign of the Zodiac is Libra Librans are gregarious, cozy, and sociable people. Librans, like the Scales that symbolize the sign, are generally concerned with attaining balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the world.

Thursday’s Full Moon puts your connection with a group, acquaintance or organization in the spotlight. A business or personal partner may surprise you. This a wonderful moment to make improvements with your health and happiness. Your house or family life will profit from changes such as an improved atmosphere.



The 8th sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio, they are powerful, intriguing, and self-sufficient individuals who crackle with an intensity and charm that makes them unavoidable in any situation. Scorpios are devoted, intelligent, cunning, and stoic.

In your personal life or at home, a new chapter will be written. You will be kept on your toes if your routine is disrupted or if anything unexpected happens. Because romance may be in the air, why not plan something special with your significant other? Singles should mingle since you never know who you could come across. Getting to see something lovely or experiencing a change of environment will be a rejuvenating experience.



The 9th sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius, despite all else, a Sagittarius places a high value on independence and the opportunity to do what they want when they want it. They are risk takers and have a smart business and sports attitude, which makes them excellent adventurers.

You can make significant progress on a project that is important to you. Because a family or personal situation may come to light, take the initiative and plan a special treat for someone – or for yourself – to celebrate. Having a fun, optimistic weekend may take you somewhere new or change up your typical routine for the better. Don't go overboard with shopping or overindulging; you'll kick yourself afterwards!



The 11th sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius, these people are forward-thinking, self-sufficient, intelligent, extraordinary, and hopeful. Their elemental sign is the element of air. Aquarians, like air, lack a specific form and appear to defy categorization, which makes them difficult to identify.


The Full Moon on Thursday herald’s significant advancements in a relationship, especially if it coincides with your birthday. This is an excellent opportunity to be pragmatic, especially if the goal posts have been shifting. Avoid overpaying because you will come to regret it! You'll enjoy socializing, and Aquarians who are employed will be very busy. It's important not to take other people's differences in values personally.


The 11th sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius, these people are forward-thinking, self-sufficient, intelligent, extraordinary, and hopeful. Their elemental sign is the element of air. Aquarians, like air, lack a specific form and appear to defy categorization, which makes them difficult to identify.

The Full Moon on Thursday herald’s significant advancements in a relationship, especially if it coincides with your birthday. This is an excellent opportunity to be pragmatic, especially if the goal posts have been shifting. Avoid overpaying because you will come to regret it! You'll enjoy socializing, and Aquarians who are employed will be very busy. It's important not to take other people's differences in values personally.



The 12th sign of the Zodiac is Pisces, Pisces is a water sign controlled by the planet Neptune, and it is known for its emotional sensitivity. Your zodiac sign is fluid, and it has a strong tendency to be sympathetic to the underdog.

This is an excellent week to take the initiative. Take the initiative and plan a treat for yourself or someone else. This will help you feel better and improve your health. You might consider visiting a new location that is soothing. If you've been feeling sensitive, or perhaps a little down in the dumps, upcoming events will lift your spirits considerably. A surprise phone call or visit will do wonders for morale. Maintain an optimistic attitude.

Nita Hasani

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